Professional massage tucked into a corner of the San Elijo Lagoon

Sante Cove is your personal retreat

After owning a successful Day Spa for 20 years, Wendy decided to scale back and concentrate on a small group of special people who understand the importance of massage in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

She converted the upper floor of her home into a peaceful refuge. Wendy does one massage a day.

Relax as long as you like. Follow your massage with an indulgent bubble bath.

If you have time, you can complete your healing experience with a walk around San Elijo Lagoon – one of the few remaining Coastal Wetlands in California. The trail starts at the foot of our Community and winds for 1/4 mile. Enjoy the scents of coastal sages, fresh breezes, and the inspiration of nature.

carlsbad massage

You are invited to join a select group of massage connoisseurs.

Call or text us at 858-361-1931